Monday 18 May 2015


It's only natural that the first beer on this list should be the first I tried, Carling.

I first tried a proper pint of this stuff as an eighteen year old, and I didn't like it. So ended my relationship with beer and Weatherspoon cocktail pitchers took hold of my life. But on a fateful day I found a pub by my university and it wasn't the sort of place I felt comfortable ordering a spirit mixer, so I manned up and ordered a lager. So began my love of beer.

Hundreds of beers later I shunned Carling as something you have if there's nothing else, until the time of writing where I was forced to go back. 

The first thing I noticed was how gassy it was, almost hard to swallow. Once you get over that there is a bitterness that is hidden when on draught but from the warmer fridge it's the prevalent taste and is a little off putting. 

As a note I am including price in the scores but saying that it isn't the cheapest beer out there, and because of it's bitter taste and average price it scores. 


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